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Dashi is a modern, clean and dashboard style Premium Ghost CMS Theme. Build a community around your content or create your own platform based on membership.
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Welcome to Ghost

Welcome to Ghost

public 1 min read
Welcome, it's great to have you here. We know that first impressions are important, so we've populated your new site with some initial getting started posts that will help you get familiar with everything in no time.
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All you need to know for getting started with Ghost. The world's most popular modern open source publishing platform.
Use memberships and subscriptions to develop a direct relationship with your audience and generate predictable, recurring revenue to support your work.
The post settings menu within the editor allows you to fully optimise your content. This is where you can define the visibility of your post.
Post type
Post type
Check out the post type provided by Dashi. You can change how your content is delivered to your audience. Choose from the 3 post types.
Ghost has a powerful visual editor with familiar formatting options, as well as the ability to seamlessly add dynamic content.
Web design refers to the design of websites that are displayed on the internet. It usually refers to the user experience aspects of websites.
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